27 | 04 | 2023

Tired of cleaning the scale attached to the Kettle?

If you are one of the people who use a kettle on a daily basis, it is likely that you have noticed how a layer of scale accumulates inside it over time. Scale is a common problem in areas where the water is hard, due to the presence of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. In this article, we will explain what scale is, how it is formed and what are the best techniques to remove it from the kettle at home.

What is scale and how is it formed?

Scale is an accumulation of minerals and salts that adhere to surfaces where hard water circulates. This process occurs when water evaporates, leaving behind minerals and salts that crystallize and stick to surfaces. In the case of kettles, scale forms inside, especially in areas where water remains stagnant, such as the base and interior.

How to remove scale from the kettle?

There are different techniques to remove scale from the kettle at home. Here are some of the most effective:

  1. White Vinegar: One of the most popular techniques to remove scale from the kettle is the use of white vinegar. To do this, you must fill the kettle with a mixture of water and white vinegar in equal parts and leave it to act for a few hours. Then, you should rinse the kettle well with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth.
  2. Lemon: Lemon is another natural ingredient that can help you remove scale from the kettle. To do this, you must fill the kettle with water and add the juice of one lemon. Let the mixture sit for a few hours and then rinse the kettle well with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth.
  3. Baking soda: Baking soda is a product that is used to clean many household objects, including the kettle. To descale your kettle with baking soda, you'll need to fill the kettle with water and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Let the mixture sit for a few hours and then rinse the kettle well with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth.
  4. Reverse osmosis water: A very effective technique to prevent the formation of scale in the kettle is the use of a reverse osmosis water filtration system. This system filters tap water, removing minerals and salts that cause scale formation. In addition, this system improves the quality of the water and makes it safer for human consumption.


Descaling the kettle at home is an important task to maintain water quality and extend the life of the kettle. In this article, we have seen different techniques to remove scale from the kettle, from the use of natural ingredients such as white vinegar or lemon, to the use of reverse osmosis water filtration systems. It is important to mention that prevention is the best technique to avoid the formation of scale, so if you live in an area where the water is hard, it is advisable to use a reverse osmosis water filtration system to prevent the accumulation of minerals in the water. your kettle.

In conclusion, descaling the kettle at home is a necessary task that can be done with natural ingredients found in any home, such as white vinegar or lemon. In addition, the use of reverse osmosis water filtration systems is a very effective technique to prevent the formation of scale and improve water quality. Remember that prevention is the best technique to avoid the accumulation of scale in your kettle, so we recommend using a reverse osmosis water filtration system if you live in an area where the water is hard.

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